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Friendly     Supportive     Fun
Club Rivers Ladies Golf



Golfer of the year                             Judy Mackenzie


Club Champion Gross                      Judy Mackenzie

Runner Up                                             Barbara McDonald


Club Champion Nett                        Barbara Cameron

Runner Up                                             Rebecca Ruiz


Director's Trophy                              Karen Avarillo

Runner Up                                             Samantha Van Greunsven


Roslyn Tancred                                  Karen Avarillo

Memorial Trophy


Putting                                                   Judy Mackenzie

Birdies                                                    Susan Byrne

Gobblers                                               Judy Mackenzie

Eagle                                                      Susan Byrne

Funny Action!

2024 Calendar of Events

21 Jan - 7.30 - Stroke

11 Feb - 7.30 - Stroke

  3 Mar - 7.30 - Stroke

24 Mar- 7.30 - Ambrose / AGM / Lunch at CR

14 Apr - 7.30 - 1st Round Championship

  5 May -7.30 - Stroke

26 May -7.30 - Stableford / Lunch at CR

16 Jun - 7.30 - 2nd Round Championship

  7 July - 7.30 - Stroke

28 July - 7.30 - 3rd Round Championship

18 Aug - 7.30 - Stroke / Ambrose

  8 Sept -7.30 - Director's Trophy

29 Sept - 7.30 - Ambrose / Lunch at CR

20 Oct  - 7.30 - Roslyn Tancred Memorial Trophy

10 Nov - 7.30 - Stroke

  1 Dec - 7.30 - Break up Day - Novelty Game

                         Christmas Morning Tea

  5 Dec -  6.00 - Presentation Night /Dinner




...what else is going on?...

This club is supported by Club Rivers:

For more information ring Club Rivers on

9533 3144 or link to the Club Rivers website.

For more information
ring - 0419 294 501


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